Microsoft hosted a mini-convention final week, which was attended by different tech companies such as Facebook and Amazon, that claimed that the U.S. should improve the variety of H-1B visas as a result of other countries, reminiscent of India, produce better IT professionals than American colleges. Cloud centric tech firms face hurdles as a result of elevated quantity of information the cloud creates attributable to larger transactional knowledge, disparate data sources, cloud companies and resource choices and pricing companies

Though these tech giants declare that Indian students are extra qualified, in the global Programme for Worldwide Student Assessment (PISA) India, which receives about 70{5aa0fac15147cb2ba94234fd4a0a569abc81dbe767f506beefb09bc60ed3ee38} of all H-1B visas, scored nearly lifeless last out of the 74 international locations that participated in the companies

It allowed a hard and fast number of foreign employees come to the United States to quickly” fill these positions whereas the American corporations and the federal …

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